Mac, Microsoft, Android: Selecting Your Platforms as They Become More Functional Across Devices


In the not-so-distant past, technology companies such as Apple and Microsoft offered significantly different experiences for their consumers. These differences resulted in a schism where people swore by one softwareplatformover another almost religiously. While this debate still goes on today, it’s been greatly diminished for several reasons.

For one thing, there are more players now. Google and Amazon have more recently jumped into the software ring with Android/Chrome and Fire operating systems, respectively. Second, computing technology has advanced exponentially in the past few decades, partially thanks to market competition. This competition has also forced major tech companies to follow each other’s leads and continue innovating.

Now, consumers using Mac, Windows, Android, or Fire operating systems will notice more in common between them than what’s different. While the experiences are still unique, the important things are all there: speed, ease-of-use, sleek design, customization, and compatibility. While this merging of innovation is great for everyone, it can also make it difficult for individuals and companies to choose which platform(s) to use for their technology strategy. Here are some things to think about that may help in this pursuit.

Matching Operating Systems to Business Needs

While modern operating systems may be more similar than ever in terms of feature sets and functionality, businesses still need to take careful consideration before adopting one over the other—primarily because the software applications with which they run their businesses may or may not be equally compatible with all operating systems. While many software vendors do their best to be platform agnostic these days, differences still often exist in feature availability and user experience across platforms.In general, then, it’s often best to let software needs—rather than operating system preference—dictate which platform business owners chose for their systems.

Beyond software needs, there are other items businesses should consider, such as their need for security. Different operating systems do still have different approaches to security, and different vulnerabilities.

For instance, macOS tends to face fewer vulnerabilities to malware, in part because Apple’s smaller market share makes it less enticing target for cyber criminals. Chrome OS is also appealing for security reasons, because it eliminates many of the ways users can inadvertently allow malicious access to their computers.

And yet, Windows remains the most widely adopted OS platform in the business space, which makes it the most widely compatible OS for business applications. Businesses, then, need to weigh their business needs and security needs together to make the best strategic decision. And often, that decision requires help from technology experts.

Choosing the Right IT Partner Can Help

Fortunately, there are experts in this field who are able and willing to help you navigate these waters. These knowledgeable people know the ins and outs of modern hardware, software, and technology solutions. The right IT partner will work with your business to understand its needs, goals, and obstacles. With this information, they can actively assess the efficiency of your operations and give data-driven recommendations to help you improve. The right IT services, then, help businesses maintain a competitive edge in the market.

So, Which Platform is Best?

It may come as no surprise that the jury is out on which OS is currently superior. The tech giants must all compete with one another, meaning each year their systems become better and more similar in terms of performance. Beyond preference, the biggest factors in choosing your platform are the hardware software you use, your security needs,and your outsourced IT provider’s recommendations.

If you’re feeling lost in this digital world and need help navigating it, Affinity Technology Partners is here to help. Since 2002, we have been providing businesses of all sizes with state-of-the-art managed IT services. If you wantto optimize your business, secure your information, and find new ways to thrive, call us at (615)-372-0300.