ThriftSmart and Affinity Technology Partners Service Day!
/Have you heard of ThriftSmart? If you are in the Nashville area, make sure you know about this local asset to our community. Clean out your closet and donate to them, or shop in the store and get some great finds! Either way, when you support them, you support the work they support in other nonprofits. Check out more here.
Part of our team had the chance to spend the day serving with ThriftSmart and we were thrilled to have experienced the amazing work they do!
ThriftSmart exists to provide value to their customers, opportunity for their employees, and benefit to charities in their community. ThriftSmart is currently operating as the biggest thrift store in the Nashville area, giving 100% of proceeds to local nonprofits.
Our team members were thrilled to spend the day learning about the mission of ThriftSmart and getting to serve alongside the lovely people at ThriftSmart.
The Affinity team split into two groups to serve with ThriftSmart on different days that way everyone would have a chance to be a part of ThriftSmart’s amazing mission!